November 8, 2000

The GCMGMA meeting was held at the Museum of Health and Medical Science.  After dinner, member registration and networking, attendees convened in the McGovern Theater for a brief business meeting conducted by President Tim Thomas.  Vice-President Brenda LeLay reviewed proposed changes to the Bylaws and after defining members eligible to vote Tim entertained a motion to approve the changes.  The motion passed unanimously.  Tim then presented the slate of officers and directors for the coming year: President - Brenda LeLay, President-Elect - John Watson, Secretary - Anne Eads, Treasurer - Jim Keil, Past President - Tim Thomas, At-Large Directors - Jane Hill and Charelle Grant, and Student Director - Divya Matai. Tim entertained a motion to accept the slate of officers as nominated and the motion passed unanimously.  Brenda LeLay then presented Tim with a gift to recognize his outstanding efforts in getting GCMGMA off the ground over the last three years.  John Watson was introduced and gave a brief talk on the benefits of credentialing through the American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE), including a waived application fee (a $95 value) if the specially-marked application was submitted to ACMPE by November 18.  Tim then introduced Rachel Westheimer who introduced the guest speaker, Trudy Millard Krause, DrPH, CHCA of Dynamic Health Strategies (an affiliate of Healthcare Research Associates).  Dr. Krause spoke on HIPAA (also known as the Kennedy-Kassebaum bill, or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996).  For more information on HIPAA, click here to link to the official HCFA HIPAA web site.       

The November meeting was sponsored by